

It is more than occasional that we see that the existing PFC unit is not fully operational despite appearing to be so.

The loss of effective power factor correction is always expensive because the savings it is designed to provide are irretrievably lost !

A regular maintenance of a capacitor bank is indispensable for an optimal working and the lifetime of the capacitors, especially where dust and dirt are present.

Our technician (with certificate BA5) will control and maintain the capacitor bank in site. If necessary, certain components will be replaced.

There is no need to interrupt the electricity. The capacitor bank can be switched off  without any problems.

Is the capacitor bank of another mark : no problem! Our technicians have the skills to cope with.

The broken components are taken and delivered to specialized companies for further treatment. (exception for capacitors filled with PCB oil).

If the capacitor bank is end of life, an offer for replacement will be proposed.

Installation guidelines


  1. Connect the three fazes of the capacitor bank in the right order.
  2. Put the current transformer following these guidelines :
  • Install the CT in the low tension cabinet, on the same phase of the L1 (L1 of the cabinet should be the same L1 as the capacitor bank)
  • Put the CT in such way so that it measures everything. It should measure total consumption as well as the capacitor bank itself
  • For the adjustment of the capacitor bank, consult the guideline of the PF controller

Maintenance guidelines

It is important to control the automatic capacitor bank each year. This maintenance can be executed by a technician in the company itself or by a contractor.

The required work equipment is :

  • Safety helmet
  • Non conductive gloves 1000 V
  • Tools to tighten studs and screws

Cleaning guidelines

  1. Switch off the capacitor bank and wait at least 3 minutes until the capacitors are totally discharged.
  2. Open the cabinet and do a visual control
    • Presence of dirt/dust
    • Visible faults
    • Irregular stuff in the cabinet
  3. Tighten all connections
  4. Switch on the capacitor bank and measure the rated values